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Photos credits:
All materials contained on this web site are protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Wind-it.
Shutterstock 186197513, 186197486, Son Gallery
Shutterstock 21360529, Stefanie van der Vinden
Tower photo: Tibo d'Aboville
Shutterstock 257037130, Joney
Tower photos: Tibo d'Aboville
Shutterstock 21360529, Stefanie van der Vinden
Shutterstock 76323883, trevor kittelty
Shutterstock 179686613, foxbat
Tower photos: Tibo d'Aboville
Offer, BTE towers:
Tower photos: Tibo d'Aboville
Offer, Hybrid power solutions:
Shutterstock 179686613, foxbat
Shutterstock 248741149, VioNet
Offer, Delivering more than kWh:
Tower photos: Tibo d'Aboville
Shutterstock 85657651, Radoma
Shutterstock 186197486, Son Gallery
Shutterstock 76323883, trevor kittelty
Shutterstock 150243626, Andrey_Popov
Tower photos: Tibo d'Aboville
Shutterstock 9759769, Pichugin Dmitry
WIND-IT I 15 Avenue du Centre I 78280 GUYANCOURT I FRANCE