Removing the CAPEX constraints for customer
Case by case, Wind-it could consider contributing to the financing of the initial CAPEX, pending the opportunity fits required criteria of bankability and risks. Agreeing on an OPEX model may also be considered as a first step to setting up an ESCO model with Wind-it.
Delivering kWh rather than equipment
Wind-it is convinced that ESCO model will develop as, in the long term, this is the most effective way for consumers to reduce power cost while ensuring required reliability of supply. However to achieve this require, in addition to technology mastery, minimum scale and effective business model. Wind-it is currently investigating suitable opportunities to develop required proof of concept before expanding this service to industrial scale.
Delivering kWh to local communities
Wind-it is currently exploring rural electrification opportunities with strategic partners. These projects involve normally an "anchor" tenant that will be the main initial consumer of the power, enabling the initial investment. Incremental power generation capacity is then added. This type of initiative benefits from the strong support of local community leaders resulting in benefits for all stakeholders, including the anchor tenant.
Technical solutions include a "built-to- energy" Wind-it tower combined with solar panels and mini grids plus metering.
Power is sold to local community thanks to prepaid system and mobile money. National regulation should allow private companies to sell power to 3rd party. Local operations are key.
Would you be interested in knowing more, please contact us directly.
15 Avenue du Centre